

800 years of fruit growing…

… and still counting!

Apples, pears and plums have been grown in our area since medieval monks planted the first orchards in the 12th century. In the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries fruit from extensive local orchards was sold as far afield as London. Only a few fragments of these orchards remain, but they are important reminders of our fruit growing heritage, living testaments to pioneering orchardeers like Patrick Matthew, and havens for enigmatic local varieties.

Working with orchard keepers and volunteers we have brought some of these historic orchards back to life; caring for old trees, whilst propagating new stock to replace them. We have also establish a new community orchard.

People got involved by joining our Orchard Work Parties, signing up to our Orchard Skills Training courses, or coming along to our annual Fruit Festival.